I had to start with this cute picture of Avery in my mom's pool on Mother's Day. She thought she was something else in her little swimsuit and sunglasses! Is she really only two?!?
We are so excited that Kate is gaining weight! She weighed in at 9.0 pounds yesterday, so she gained 12 ounces in a week! Yes, this is what excites us these days. But I am glad that she seems to be thriving on breastmilk alone and hopefully will be able to sleep through the night soon.
Here she is sleeping on the couch...we couldn't believe she stayed asleep there for over an hour!

This is the only place she will normally sleep (or just lay and be happy) during the day: on the bathroom floor while the shower is running. For some reason the sound just soothes her right to sleep. Whatever it takes to get my daily shower, right?

We had a great visit from Aunt B mother's day weekend. She got to meet Kate, and Avery and Harrison had a blast in the playroom upstairs.

In other news, Avery had her first "MUD" day at school yesterday. They played with water, bubbles and shaving cream on the playground. Lee went with her and took these pictures before her "accident":
Avery "washing" her car:

Here she is about to go down the slide with shaving cream (I can't believe she actually did it...she can be such a wuss!):

WOOSH! And here she is landing on her back at the bottom of the slide (Lee says that took a few minutes of recovery time afterwards):

After the kids' playtime outside, they went inside for ice cream and to change clothes. Apparently Avery was running to get in line for ice cream, tripped and fell, hitting her chin pretty hard on the giant carpeted steps in one of the rooms. Her mouth was bleeding quite a bit, and we were worried that she cracked a tooth because she couldn't take a bite of anything without screaming. But, since this morning, she managed to down pancakes, grilled cheese, apples, and graham crackers just fine, so we think she probably bit her tongue and it's in the process of heeling. She does have a nice rug burn to show for it, though.
Here she is sleeping on the couch...we couldn't believe she stayed asleep there for over an hour!
This is the only place she will normally sleep (or just lay and be happy) during the day: on the bathroom floor while the shower is running. For some reason the sound just soothes her right to sleep. Whatever it takes to get my daily shower, right?
We had a great visit from Aunt B mother's day weekend. She got to meet Kate, and Avery and Harrison had a blast in the playroom upstairs.
In other news, Avery had her first "MUD" day at school yesterday. They played with water, bubbles and shaving cream on the playground. Lee went with her and took these pictures before her "accident":
Avery "washing" her car:
Here she is about to go down the slide with shaving cream (I can't believe she actually did it...she can be such a wuss!):
WOOSH! And here she is landing on her back at the bottom of the slide (Lee says that took a few minutes of recovery time afterwards):
After the kids' playtime outside, they went inside for ice cream and to change clothes. Apparently Avery was running to get in line for ice cream, tripped and fell, hitting her chin pretty hard on the giant carpeted steps in one of the rooms. Her mouth was bleeding quite a bit, and we were worried that she cracked a tooth because she couldn't take a bite of anything without screaming. But, since this morning, she managed to down pancakes, grilled cheese, apples, and graham crackers just fine, so we think she probably bit her tongue and it's in the process of heeling. She does have a nice rug burn to show for it, though.
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