After waking up at 4am, and by the time we made it through the airport, on the plane, back through the airport in Ft. Lauderdale, through registration at the port and on to the boat, we were soooo ready for a drink! It was just about lunch time, but it was well deserved! Here we are after just getting on the boat, but it hadn't set sail yet.
Our first stop was in the Bahamas. There was a great little beach and an outdoor barbecue lunch. Kate didn't know what to think of the sand yet.
She loved wearing her cute sunglasses:
This backpack is the best thing ever invented. Kate loved being in it and it is so much easier on your back than the Baby Bjorn! Love it!!
My dear granny made it off the boat for a little sunshine:
This was the view from our balcony. We had the partition removed between my and my mom's room and my granny's and aunt's room so we could sit out side together and easily get to each other's room.
This is me in St. Maarten. It rained the entire time off and on, but we found ponchos, so the shopping continued! This is where I stocked up on diapers so I would have enough for the entire trip. St. Maarten is also known for selling electronics cheap, so I bought a new zoom lens for my camera and an external flash. I can't wait to figure out how to use them!
This was by far my favorite stop - St. Barts. The water was beautiful, the sand so soft and there was the best of both worlds - beautiful beaches and nice shopping. It is a French island, so everything was very expensive and we kind of felt like it was a little snooty, but it was absolutely gorgeous. I definitely want to go back for an adult trip sometime (Lee, do you even read this blog?).
Shopping in St. Barts:
This is the only picture we have of the whole group. It was taken after the long day at St. Barts. We even all made it into a taxi that took us to the other side of the island for lunch and the beautiful beach.
Here is a picture of one of the tenders we had to ride to get to shore when we couldn't dock at the port. The whole trip was such an adventure! :-)
Kate at the swimming pool on deck. She got to try all kinds of great new food on the trip, but the best part was our butler bringing her these little boxes of Cheerios - so perfect!
Another gorgeous island - Cayo Leventado off the coast of the Dominican Republic. We were a little worried about our stop here since it's kind of close to Haiti, but it was another one of my favorite stops. It was very hot but there was a great breeze blowing from off the water and we got to hang out at this exclusive beach resort for the day.
Kate still doesn't know what to think....
Our boat was the Seven Seas Navigator - it holds about 400 people which is pretty small compared to some of the Carnival boats that were docked next to us.
Mom and I went on a dune buggy safari in Grand Turk, which is part of the Turks and Caicos islands. There really isn't much on that island other than beautiful scenery. I think the Caicos islands must have more for visitors.
View from the top of a cliff overlooking the ocean:
And on the last day at sea we celebrated my aunt's and granny's birthdays with a cocktail party in our suite. The butler brought in this hilarious carved watermelon and we joked all night about what/who he looked like.
It was such a great trip! Thanks mom, aunt jerry and granny for such an amazing time - I will never forget it!